2013年7月21日 星期日

【Wim Vandekeybus; What The Body Does Not Remember】

Belgian chreographer Wim Vandekeybus’ What The Body Does Not Rememberwas in Taipei in the begining of June this year.

He had really pushed the envelope. The dancers were running to their limit on the stage. The male dancers were pulling the female dancers all over the place so harshly that it seemed almost like they were abusing  them to the audience. Was it an implication of the present day (or the late 80s, when the performance made its debut) male/female relationships?

The most memorable moment to me was when one of the dancers threw the white brick high in the sky, straight above his/her head without even moving. They would have to give their partners a good deal of trust to wait until they push him/her and catch the brick for him/her. Wim Vandekeybus had created so much of a tension that made all the audience held their breath !

Wim Vandekeybus built a great energy on the stage and had asked everyone this question ; what will you do when you have no choice ? How hard will you fight against a threat ? How do we runaway  from our fate?

